Source code for non_dimensional

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.rcParams.update({'pdf.fonttype': 42})
from scipy.integrate import odeint
from matplotlib import cm
from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap
from joblib import Parallel, delayed
import multiprocessing
import time

[docs]class simulation: """ Simulator object for dimensionless form of equations. Uses operator-splitting Fourier transform method of solving PDE defined in Supplementary Modelling """
[docs] def __init__(self): self.num_x = [] self.L = 1 self.l_apical = 0.370492 self.dt = [] self.tfin = [] self.t_span = [] self.epsilon = 1 / 1.5 self.zeta = 1000 self.lambd = 10 ** -3 self.ysol = [] self.pol_thresh = 0.1
[docs] def set_num_x(self,n,apical_on=False): """ Sets spatial discretisation of number **num_x** for dimensionless equations Lengthscales are measured with respect to the circumference of the cell L = 100microns. y = x/L if **apical_on** is **True**, then **n** specifies the number of spatial blocks within the apical domain (of length **self.l_apical**), and **self.num_x** is computed with respect to the ratio of **self.l_apical** and **self.L** (the full domain length i.e. cell perimeter) if **apical_on** is **False**, then **n** defines **self.num_x** :param n: Number of spatial blocks (**np.int32**) :param apical_on: Specifies whether apical membrane is considered specifically or not (**np.bool**) :return: """ if apical_on is True: self.num_apical = n self.num_x = int(self.L / self.l_apical * self.num_apical) self.apical_mask = np.zeros(self.num_x) self.apical_mask[int(self.num_x/2 - self.num_apical/2):int(self.num_x/2 + self.num_apical/2)] = 1 else: self.num_x = n self.dx = self.L / self.num_x
[docs] def set_t_span(self,dt,tfin): """ Sets temporal discretisation for the dimensionless equations. Time is measured with respect to k_{off}. s = k_{off} * t Saves a 1D array of time-points to **self.t_span** :param dt: Time-step (**np.float32**) :param tfin: Final time-step (**np.float32**) :return: """ self.dt, self.tfin = dt, tfin self.t_span = np.arange(0, tfin + dt, dt)
[docs] def set_initial(self,mean = False,SD = False,override=False): """ Set the initial conditions of **e** in the dimensionless equations. e is measured with respect to the saturation threshold E_{crit}: e = E/E_{crit} If **override** is **False**, then the initial condition of **e**, **self.y0**, is given by a normal distribution, with mean **mean** and standard deviation **SD** If **overide** is not **False** but instead a 1D array of length (**self.num_x**), then **self.y0** is defined as **override** If **apical_on** is **True**, then outside the apical membrane, **self.y0** is set to 1e-17 (<<1) :param mean: Mean value used in normal distribution (**np.float32**) :param SD: Standard deviation used in normal distribution (**np.float32**) :param override: Override 1D array if provided (**np.ndarray** of dtype **np.float32**), else **False** :param apical_on: Sets **self.y0** to (approx.) 0 outside the apical membrane. :return: """ if override is False: self.y0 = np.random.normal(mean,SD,self.num_x) else: self.y0 = override
[docs] def make_coeffs(self,D): """ Used in the operator-splitting Fourier method for simulation. Details provided in Supplementary Modeling Appendix IV :param D: Diffusion coefficient (**np.float32) :return: Coefficients for the operator-splitting Fourier method of simulation """ X_range = (np.arange(self.num_x) / self.num_x - 0.5) * self.num_x / self.L coeffs = -4 * np.pi ** 2 * (X_range ** 2) * D return coeffs
[docs] def diffuse(self,X, dt, coeffs): """ Perform the diffusion operation, given the spatial distribution of the function being integrated **X** ("e" here) :param X: Function to be integrated (**np.ndarray** of dtype **np.float32** and size (**self.num_x** x 1) :param dt: Temporal discretization (Strictly "ds" in the Supplementary Modeling) :param coeffs: Coefficients for the Fourier transform, as supplied by the **self.make_coeffs** function :return: Spatial distribution of the function after integration by 1 time-step (by amount dt) """ Xhat = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fft(X)) Xhatdiffuse = Xhat / ((1 - coeffs* dt)) X_out= np.real(np.fft.ifft(np.fft.ifftshift(Xhatdiffuse))) return X_out
[docs] def f(self,e,t): """ Reaction function, describing the transport terms. :param e: 1D **np.ndarray** of dtype **np.float32** and size (**self.num_x** x 1) describing the spatially discretized distribution of **e** :param t: Time-point :return: de/dt -- 1D **np.ndarray** of dtype **np.float32** and size (**self.num_x** x 1) """ Sum = self.epsilon - np.sum(e) * self.dx return self.zeta * Sum / (1 + e ** -2) - e
[docs] def react(self,e,dt): """ Perform one iteration of the reaction operation. :param e: 1D **np.ndarray** of dtype **np.float32** and size (**self.num_x** x 1) describing the spatially discretized distribution of **e** :param dt: Temporal discretization (Strictly "ds" in the Supplementary Modeling) :return: Spatial distribution of the function after integration by 1 time-step (by amount dt) """ return odeint(self.f,e,np.array([0,dt]))[-1]
[docs] def react_and_diffuse(self,e, dt, coeffs): """ Perform one complete iteration of the integration, both reacting and diffusing (see Supplementary Modeling Appendix IV) :param e: 1D **np.ndarray** of dtype **np.float32** and size (**self.num_x** x 1) describing the spatially discretized distribution of **e** :param dt: Temporal discretization (Strictly "ds" in the Supplementary Modeling) :param coeffs: Coefficients for the Fourier transform, as supplied by the **self.make_coeffs** function :return: Spatial distribution of the function after integration by 1 time-step (by amount dt) """ return self.react(self.diffuse(e, dt, coeffs), dt)
[docs] def simulate(self): """ Perform full simulation, given parameters, using operator-splitting Fourier method :return: **self.y_sol**, a 2D **np.ndarray** array (**n_t** x **self.num_x**), where **n_t** is the number of time-steps (as defined by **self.t_span**). """ X = np.zeros([self.t_span.size, self.y0.size]) coeffs = self.make_coeffs(self.lambd) X[0] = self.y0 for i, t in enumerate(self.t_span[:-1]): X[i + 1] = self.react_and_diffuse(X[i], self.dt, coeffs) self.ysol = X return self.ysol
[docs] def centre_solution(self): """ Given the simulation is performed on Periodic Boundary Conditions, the central location is undefined. For clarity, this function centres the solution such that the maximal **E** at the final time-step lies at **self.num_x/2**. Over-writes **self.y_sol** and also saves in **self.ysolshift** as a copy. """ x_max = np.mean(np.where(self.ysol[-1] == self.ysol[-1].max())[0]) x_shift = int(self.num_x / 2 - x_max) self.ysolshift = np.roll(self.ysol, x_shift, axis=1) self.ysol = self.ysolshift
[docs] def get_apical_solution(self): """ Crop the solution down to just the apical membrane (as defined by **self.l_apical** versus **self.L**). The solution is first centred before cropping. """ self.centre_solution() self.ysol_apical = self.ysolshift[:, int(self.num_x / 2 - self.num_apical / 2):int(self.num_x / 2 + self.num_apical / 2)]
[docs] def norm(self,x): """ Generic function to normalize a 1D **np.ndarray**, calculating the normalized array **y** as: y = (x-min(x))/(max(x) - min(x)) :param x: A 1D **np.ndarray** to be normalized. :return: Normalized **np.ndarray**, **y**. """ return (x-x.min())/(x.max()-x.min())
[docs] def plot_time_series(self,cmap,show=True,filename=False,apical=False): """ Plot time-series of the simulation, as an overlayed set of lines. The number of time-points that are sampled is set by the parameter **cmap**, a (n_sample x 4) **np.ndarray** of RGBA colour points. **cmap** can be generated using,1,n_sample)) for example. :param cmap: The colormap used to plot the solution (a **np.ndarray**) :param show: If **True**, then show the plot. :param filename: **str** defining the file-name of the plot if is being saved. If **False** then the plot is not saved. :param apical: Determines whether to plot the whole membrane (**False**) or just the apical membrane (**True**) (**np.bool**) :param ylim: Axis limits on the y-axis (i.e. the concentration of **E**) (**tuple**) """ self.centre_solution() if apical is True: self.get_apical_solution() N = cmap.shape[0] fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(3.8, 3)) my_cmap = ListedColormap(cmap) for i in range(N): t = int(self.t_span.size * i / N) if apical is False: ax.plot(np.linspace(0, self.L, self.num_x), self.ysol[t], color=cmap[i]) else: ax.plot(np.linspace(0, self.l_apical, self.num_apical), self.ysol_apical[t], color=cmap[i]) ax.set(xlabel=r"x", ylabel=r"$E$") sm =, norm=plt.Normalize(vmax=self.t_span[0] / 60, vmin=self.t_span[-1] / 60)) sm._A = [] cl = plt.colorbar(sm, ax=ax, pad=0.05, fraction=0.1, aspect=10, orientation="vertical") cl.set_label("Time (mins)") fig.subplots_adjust(top=0.8, bottom=0.2, left=0.2, right=0.8) if show is True: if filename is not False: fig.savefig("plots/%s.pdf"%filename,dpi=300)
[docs] def get_rel_height(self): """ Find ∆e, the difference between the maximum and minimum value of **e** at the final time-step. :return: ∆e, **self.rel_height** (a **np.float32**) """ self.rel_height = self.ysol[-1].max() - self.ysol[-1].min() return self.rel_height
[docs] def get_rel_heights(self): """ Find ∆e for all time-points :return: **self.rel_heights (**np.ndarray** of shape (**n_t** x 1) and dtype **np.float32**) """ self.rel_heights = np.max(self.ysol,axis=1) - np.min(self.ysol,axis=1) return self.rel_heights
[docs] def get_amount(self): """ Find **self.amount** = int_0^L {e} dx :return: **self.amount** """ self.amount = np.sum(self.ysol[-1])*self.dx return self.amount
[docs] def get_polarisation_timescale(self): """ Find the relative polarization time-scale, the amount of (dimensionless) time until the simulation surpasses a critical polarity threshold (defined by self.pol_thresh) :return: **self.polarisation_timescale** """ relheights = self.get_rel_heights() if relheights[-1] > self.pol_thresh: self.polarisation_timescale = self.t_span[np.absolute(relheights-self.pol_thresh).argmin()] else: self.polarisation_timescale = np.nan return self.polarisation_timescale
[docs] def find_peaks(self,y): """ Count the number of peaks in a solution. :param y: **1D** array of concentrations (i.e. **E** at a given time t) (**np.ndarray** of size (**self.num_x x 1**) and dtype **np.float32**) :return: Number of peaks (**np.int32**) """ ynorm = y-y.min() ysign = np.sign(ynorm-(y.max())/2) pks = int(np.sum((ysign + np.roll(ysign,1))==0)/2) return pks
[docs] def get_peaks(self): """ Find the number of peaks for all time-points. Number of peaks = 0 when the relative height is too low (i.e. discounting spurious multi-peak solutions, where variations are miniscule). The threshold is set by **self.pol_thresh**. :return: Number of peaks **self.peaks** a **np.ndarray** of size (**n_t** x 1) and dtype **np.int32** """ if type(self.rel_height) is list: self.get_rel_height() if self.rel_height > self.pol_thresh: self.peaks = (self.find_peaks(self.ysol[-1])>1)*1.0 else: self.peaks = 0.0 return self.peaks
[docs]class phase_space: """ Phase space object performing a parameter span for a (custom) pair of parameters using dimensionless form of equations """
[docs] def __init__(self): self.sim = simulation() self.sim.set_num_x(100, apical_on=False) self.sim.set_t_span(2, 100) self.recalculate_initial = True self.grey_cb = False self.rep = 1 self.xvar,self.yvar = [],[] self.xname,self.yname = r"$log_10 \lambda$",r"$1 / \epsilon$"
[docs] def set_names(self,xname,yname): """ Phase space considers solutions when varying two parameters. So this function sets the **axis-labels** of the x and y axes :param xname: **Axis label** of the x-axis (**str**), e.g. r"$log_10 \lambda$" :param yname: **Axis label** of the x-axis (**str**), e.g. r"$1 / \epsilon$" """ self.xname, self.yname = xname,yname
[docs] def get_initial(self): """ Calculate initial condition for the simulation. If the parameter **self.recalculate_initial** is **True**, then the initial condition is recalculated, as defined in the **simulation** class. If it's **False**, then the previous initial condition is utilized** :return: """ if self.recalculate_initial is True: self.sim.set_initial(0.5, 0.001)
[docs] def get_outname(self,out): """ Defines the labels attributed to the various statistics that are calculated. :param out: The output matrix from the parameter sweep (e.g. **self.rel_height**) :return: Label (**str**) (e.g. r"$\Delta e$") """ if out is self.rel_height: return r"$\Delta e$" if out is self.polarisation_timescale: return r"$s_{pol}$" if out is self.amount: return r"$\int_0^1 e \ dy$"
[docs] def get_stats(self,X): """ Perform the simulation (with repeats as defined by the **** **self.rep**), and calculate the summary statistics: the relative height (∆e), the amount (int e dx), the polarization timescale, and the number of peaks. :param X: Two-element list or array defining the values of the parameters attributed to the x or y axis :return: Four-element array of the statistics, as defined by the order listed above. """ setattr(self.sim, self.xvar, X[0]) setattr(self.sim, self.yvar, X[1]) h, a, t, p = [], [], [], [] for i in range(self.rep): self.get_initial() self.sim.simulate() h.append(self.sim.get_rel_height()) a.append(self.sim.get_amount()) t.append(self.sim.get_polarisation_timescale()) p.append(self.sim.get_peaks()) return np.array([np.nanmean(h),np.nanmean(a),np.nanmean(t), np.nanmean(p)])
[docs] def perform_param_scan(self,xlim,ylim,xscale,yscale,resolution,xvar="lambd",yvar="epsilon",recalculate_initial=True): """ Perform the parameter scan. Saves the parameter-scan to an **npy** file. Uses the **joblib** parallelisation package. :param xlim: Tuple, setting the minimum and maximum of the xvar to simulate over. If xlim = (a,b), (where a < b) then if xscale is "log", simulate between 10^a and 10^b if xscale is "reciprocal", simulate between 1/b and 1/a if xscale is "normal", then simulate between a and b :param ylim: Tuple, setting the minimum and maximum of the yvar to simulate over. Same rules as xvar :param xscale: Scale of the x-axis, setting the stepping of the parameter discretization. A **str**: either "log", "reciprocal" or "normal" :param yscale: Scale of y-axis. Same rules as xscale. :param resolution: Number of parameter discretisations to simulate over. Can be an **np.int32**, where paramter discretisation number is same in x and y axis, or a **tuple** of **np.int32**, defining the number of spatial discretisations for the x vs y axis :param xvar: **str** defining the x-axis attributed parameter. Must match nomencalture of the code precisely. e.g. "D_E" :param yvar: **str** defining the y-axis attributed parameter. Must match nomencalture of the code precisely. e.g. "E_crit" :param recalculate_initial: Recalculate the initial condition of the simulation for each repeat and each parameter combination if **True**. Else the first initial condition is stored and re-used. """ self.xvar,self.yvar = xvar,yvar self.sim.set_initial(0.5, 0.001) self.recalculate_initial = recalculate_initial if xscale == "log": self.x_space=10.0**np.linspace(xlim[0],xlim[1],resolution) elif xscale == "reciprocal": self.x_space=1/np.flip(np.linspace(xlim[0],xlim[1],resolution)) else: self.x_space=np.linspace(xlim[0],xlim[1],resolution) if yscale == "log": self.y_space = 10.0 ** np.linspace(ylim[0], ylim[1], resolution) elif yscale == "reciprocal": self.y_space = 1/np.flip(np.linspace(ylim[0], ylim[1], resolution)) else: self.y_space = np.linspace(ylim[0], ylim[1], resolution) X,Y = np.meshgrid(self.x_space, self.y_space, indexing="ij") inputs = np.array([X.ravel(), Y.ravel()]).T num_cores = multiprocessing.cpu_count() results = Parallel(n_jobs=num_cores)(delayed(self.get_stats)(X) for X in inputs) out = np.array(results).reshape(self.x_space.size, self.y_space.size, 4) self.rel_height,self.amount,self.polarisation_timescale,self.peaks = out.transpose(2, 0, 1)"param_scan_%s.npy"%time.time(), out)
[docs] def make_param_span_plot(self,ax,out,xscale="log",yscale="log",percentile_lim=(0,100),,overlay_peaks = False,vlim =None): """ Plot the parameter scan. :param ax: **matplotlib** axis object to plot the parameter scan onto. :param out: **np.ndarray** of statistics for each parameter combination (**resolution x resolution**). E.g. **self.rel_height** :param xscale: Scale of the x-axis. Must be the same as in **self.perform_param_scan**. :param yscale: Scale of the y-axis. Must be the same as in **self.perform_param_scan**. :param percentile_lim: Cut-off for the colorbar, setting the maximum and minimum percentile of the statistic for which a color is attributed. :param cmap: **** object e.g. **** :param overlay_peaks: Overlay the number of peaks for each parameter combination (i.e. to identify multi-peak regimes). """ if xscale == "log": xlim=np.log10(self.x_space[0]),np.log10(self.x_space[-1]) elif xscale == "reciprocal": xlim=1/self.x_space[0],1/self.x_space[-1] else: xlim=self.x_space[0],self.x_space[-1] if yscale == "log": ylim=np.log10(self.y_space[0]),np.log10(self.y_space[-1]) elif yscale == "reciprocal": ylim=1/self.y_space[-1],1/self.y_space[0] else: ylim=self.y_space[0],self.y_space[-1] self.extent = [xlim[0],xlim[1],ylim[0],ylim[1]] if vlim is None: vmin,vmax = np.nanpercentile(out,percentile_lim[0]),np.nanpercentile(out,percentile_lim[1]) else: vmin,vmax = vlim ax.imshow(np.flip(np.ones_like(out), axis=0),, interpolation='nearest', extent=self.extent, vmax=4, vmin=0,zorder=-20) ax.imshow(np.flip(out.T, axis=0), cmap=cmap, interpolation='nearest', extent=self.extent, vmax=vmax, vmin=vmin) if self.grey_cb is False: sm =, norm=plt.Normalize(vmax=vmax,vmin=vmin)) sm._A = [] cl = plt.colorbar(sm, ax=ax, pad=0.05, fraction=0.073, aspect=12,orientation="vertical") cl.set_label(self.get_outname(out)) if overlay_peaks is True: self.overlay_peaks(ax) ax.set(xlabel=self.xname, ylabel=self.yname, aspect=(self.extent[0] - self.extent[1]) / (self.extent[2] - self.extent[3])) return ax
[docs] def overlay_peaks(self, ax): """ Overlay the number of peaks. Transparent if 1 or 0 peaks, or increasingly black if multi-peak solutions are frequent. :param ax: **matplotlib** axis object :return: ax """ mask = np.flip(self.peaks.T, axis=0) mask =, axis=0) == 0.0), mask) ax.imshow(mask, cmap=cm.Greys, extent=self.extent, vmin=0, vmax=1) if self.grey_cb is True: sm =, norm=plt.Normalize(vmax=100, vmin=0)) sm._A = [] cl = plt.colorbar(sm, ax=ax, pad=0.05, fraction=0.073, aspect=12, orientation="vertical") cl.set_label("Multipolar solutions (%)") return ax
[docs] def plot_param_scan(self,out,xscale="log",yscale="log",percentile_lim=(0,100),,overlay_peaks = False,save=True,vlim=None): """ Make full parameter scan plot. A wrapper for **self.make_param_span_plot**. Saves the plot to the **plots** directory as a PDF. :param out: **np.ndarray** of statistics for each parameter combination (**resolution x resolution**). E.g. **self.rel_height** :param xscale: Scale of the x-axis. Must be the same as in **self.perform_param_scan**. :param yscale: Scale of the y-axis. Must be the same as in **self.perform_param_scan**. :param percentile_lim: Cut-off for the colorbar, setting the maximum and minimum percentile of the statistic for which a color is attributed. :param cmap: **** object e.g. **** :param overlay_peaks: Overlay the number of peaks for each parameter combination (i.e. to identify multi-peak regimes). """ fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(3,3)) self.make_param_span_plot(ax,out,xscale=xscale,yscale=yscale,percentile_lim=percentile_lim,cmap=cmap,overlay_peaks=overlay_peaks,vlim=vlim) if save is True: filnm = "%s vs %s (%s) %s.pdf"%(self.xname,self.yname,self.get_outname(out),self.grey_cb) filnm = filnm.replace("\\","") filnm = filnm.replace("/","") fig.savefig("plots/%s"%filnm,dpi=300)