Simulation class for regular equations

class oneD_simulation.simulation[source]

Simulator object for regular equations.

Uses finite-difference method of solving PDE defined in Supplementary Modelling


Given the simulation is performed on Periodic Boundary Conditions, the central location is undefined. For clarity, this function centres the solution such that the maximal E at the final time-step lies at self.num_x/2.

Over-writes self.y_sol and also saves in self.ysolshift as a copy.

del_1d(y, dx)[source]

Central difference discretisation of the Laplacian.

  • y – Spatially discretised 1D function (i.e. a np.ndarray of dtype np.float32) on which the function is applied
  • dx – Spatial discretisation lengthscale (np.float32)

Spatially discretised Laplacian of y

f(y, t)[source]

System of partial differential equations as defined in the Supplementary Modelling, describing the spatio-temporal evolution of E.

  • y – Spatially discretised 1D function of E (i.e. a np.ndarray of dtype np.float32) of length self.num_x
  • t – Time-point at which to evaluate (np.float32)

Time differential of E at each spatial block (np.ndarray of dtype np.float32 and length self.num_x)

f_apical_on(y, t)[source]

System of partial differential equations as defined in the Supplementary Modelling, describing the spatio-temporal evolution of E modelling cell-cell contacts, where E can load only on the apical membrane.

  • y – Spatially discretised 1D function of E (i.e. a np.ndarray of dtype np.float32) of length self.num_x
  • t – Time-point at which to evaluate (np.float32)

Time differential of E at each spatial block (np.ndarray of dtype np.float32 and length self.num_x)


Count the number of peaks in a solution.

Parameters:y1D array of concentrations (i.e. E at a given time t) (np.ndarray of size (self.num_x x 1) and dtype np.float32)
Returns:Number of peaks (np.int32)

Find self.amount = int_0^L {E} dx


Crop the solution down to just the apical membrane (as defined by self.l_apical versus self.L).

The solution is first centred before cropping.


Find the number of peaks for all time-points.

Number of peaks = 0 when the relative height is too low (i.e. discounting spurious multi-peak solutions, where variations are miniscule). The threshold is set by self.pol_thresh.

Returns:Number of peaks self.peaks a np.ndarray of size (n_t x 1) and dtype np.int32

Find ∆E, the difference between the maximum and minimum value of E at the final time-step.

Returns:∆E, self.rel_height (a np.float32)

Find ∆E for all time-points

Returns:self.rel_heights (**np.ndarray of shape (n_t x 1) and dtype np.float32)

Makes a new directory, specified by the string dir

Parameters:dir – Directory name (string)

Generic function to normalize a 1D np.ndarray, calculating the normalized array y as:

y = (x-min(x))/(max(x) - min(x))

Parameters:x – A 1D np.ndarray to be normalized.
Returns:Normalized np.ndarray, y.
plot_time_series(cmap, show=True, filename=False, apical=False, ylim=(0, 150))[source]

Plot time-series of the simulation, as an overlayed set of lines.

The number of time-points that are sampled is set by the parameter cmap, a (n_sample x 4) np.ndarray of RGBA colour points. cmap can be generated using,1,n_sample)) for example.

  • cmap – The colormap used to plot the solution (a np.ndarray)
  • show – If True, then show the plot.
  • filenamestr defining the file-name of the plot if is being saved. If False then the plot is not saved.
  • apical – Determines whether to plot the whole membrane (False) or just the apical membrane (True) (np.bool)
  • ylim – Axis limits on the y-axis (i.e. the concentration of E) (tuple)
set_initial(mean=False, SD=False, override=False, apical_on=False)[source]

Set the initial conditions of E.

If override is False, then the initial condition of E, self.y0, is given by a normal distribution, with mean mean and standard deviation SD

If overide is not False but instead a 1D array of length (self.num_x), then self.y0 is defined as override

If apical_on is True, then outside the apical membrane, self.y0 is set to 1e-17 (<<1)

  • mean – Mean value used in normal distribution (np.float32)
  • SD – Standard deviation used in normal distribution (np.float32)
  • override – Override 1D array if provided (np.ndarray of dtype np.float32), else False
  • apical_on – Sets self.y0 to (approx.) 0 outside the apical membrane.

set_num_x(n, apical_on=False)[source]

Sets spatial discretisation of number num_x

if apical_on is True, then n specifies the number of spatial blocks within the apical domain (of length self.l_apical), and self.num_x is computed with respect to the ratio of self.l_apical and self.L (the full domain length i.e. cell perimeter)

if apical_on is False, then n defines self.num_x

  • n – Number of spatial blocks (np.int32)
  • apical_on – Specifies whether apical membrane is considered specifically or not (np.bool)

set_t_span(dt, tfin)[source]

Sets temporal discretisation. Saves a 1D array of time-points to self.t_span

  • dt – Time-step (np.float32)
  • tfin – Final time-step (np.float32)


Perform the simulation. Uses the scipy.integrate.odeint package to integrate the defined system of PDEs.

If apical_on is True, then simulate with cell-cell contacts (where loading is restricted to the apical membrane)

If apical_on is False, then simulate without cell-cell contacts.

Parameters:apical_on – Specifies whether to simulate with or without cell-cell contacts (np.bool)
Returns:self.y_sol, a 2D np.ndarray array (n_t x self.num_x), where n_t is the number of time-steps (as defined by self.t_span).